Tricky Trainers

Just the Trick to Train Your DogTM

Who says you can’t teach an old dog new tricks? Young or old, your dogs will flip for the amazing taste of our Tricky Trainers. These scrumptious little treats are perfect for rewarding dogs for a job well done. Made from wholesome, all-natural ingredients.

Tip #1 Potty Training

Keep training treats with you throughout your potty-training journey and reward your dog each time they relieve themselves outside. They will build positive associations with going to the bathroom outdoors quickly and it will make potty training easier. Always remember to have patience with your growing puppy as they learn! It can take time, but treats can be the trick to make training easier.

Tip #2 Focus

Training your dog to focus on you is an important building block for all future training. 'Look at me' is a place to start! Say 'look at me'. Once your dog makes eye contact, mark with marker work and reward with a delicious treat. Begin this in a low distraction area and work on repetition, slowly building up with more distractions over time. Before you know it you're dog will be a pro!

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